The young Swiss photographer Christian Heeb set off for America, together with his girlfriend Regula in 1986. He wants to photograph Indians and discover the wild land of his youthful longing for freedom and adventure. What begins as a daring journey ends in a successful career as a travel photographer in the USA. Known for his images of Indians and American landscapes. he makes friends in Indian country and builds a straw bale eco-home in the rugged High Desert of Oregon. In a word: he becomes an American. His dream of independent living in the wild comes true and opens his eyes to the realities of today’s America
Now, as a prolific photographer, cosmopolitan and globetrotter residing in Oregon and exotic Mexico, he looks back on three decades of adventure. Beginning with the letters to his childhood friend Andy in Switzerland, we gradually witness the evolution of his perspective on America, Switzerland and the world.
Christian Heeb, born in St. Gallen and raised in nearby Abtwil, is one of the most successful Swiss travel photographers. He is the author of over 200 illustrated books and countless calendar and magazine stories. His pictures and stories are distributed and published worldwide.
Coming to America: A photographers tale
by Christian Heeb (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
The young Swiss photographer Christian Heeb set off for America, together with his girlfriend Regula in 1986. He wants to photograph Indians and discover the wild land of his youthful longing for freedom and adventure. What begins as a daring journey ends in a successful career as a travel photographer in the USA. Known for his images of Indians and American landscapes. he makes friends in Indian country and builds a straw bale eco-home in the rugged High Desert of Oregon. In a word: he becomes an American. His dream of independent living in the wild comes true and opens his eyes to the realities of today’s America
English Edition
Kindle US$ 9.99
Wie ich Amerikaner wurde: Briefe aus Amerika (German Edition)
German Edition by Christian Heeb (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
1986 -2022
Der junge Schweizer Christian Heeb brach gemeinsam mit seiner Freundin Regula im Jahre 1986 nach Amerika auf. Er will Indianer fotografieren und das wilde Land seiner jugendlichen Sehnsucht nach Freiheit und Abenteuer entdecken. Was als gewagtes Erlebnis beginnt, mündet in einer erfolgreichen Fotografen-Karriere in den USA. Einen Namen machte er sich mit Bildern von Indianern und amerikanischen Landschaften. Er schließt Freundschaften im Indianerland und baut sich ein Strohballen-Ökohaus im rauen US-Bundesstaat Oregon. Mit einem Wort: Er wird Amerikaner. Sein Traum vom unabhängigen Leben in wilder Natur geht in Erfüllung und öffnet seine Augen für die Realitäten des heutigen Amerika.
German Edition
Kindle Euro 9.99